I studied to be an aerospace engineer with a focus on fluid dynamics. I did both experimental and numerical research. Throughout my life I enjoyed watching fluid dynamics in clouds, rivers, whisps of snow behind tractor trailers.. the list is endless.
My personal passion of sailing and flying paragliders fueled my interest in learning about weather. I learned here:
In each chapter I read about the need for balancing model resolution with computational power. As computational power increases, and sensor networks expand the ability to compute increasingly complex models will become a reality. This will have a direct impact on fire weather modeling as well as agriculture, renewable energy sources, transportation, balloon & drone based communication platforms and many others. I want to be part of this advance.
This page is about the weather research I conduct. I am very inspired by a fellow sailor and a professional forecaster Mike Dvorak who’s website is http://www.sailtactics.com/
Cloud Research Flight in Colombia